Scanning for expanded climate and innovation leadership

Identifying support for accelerated uptake of 1.5 °C compatible and globally sustainable solutions

Inspiring a new generation of climate and innovation leadership where the focus is on:
  1. The human needs required for flourishing lives for everybody
  2. The solutions/solution providers who can deliver such solutions
In addition to the traditional work to reduce emissions from current large emitters based on sectors.

Inspiration for an expanded innovation agenda

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This web-tool is based on a list of key words was compiled together with IPCC scientists to reflect the priorities in the IPCC special report and especially the P1/LED pathway and the literature this work is based on.

This web-tool has four main functionalities
1. Self-assessment

You can upload a document and get a graphic overview of how this document covers different parts of an expanded climate innovation agenda. Note that most strategies will not cover all parts and a high score on all parts is not necessarily a better strategy/document.

Currently the documents need to be submitted for verification to ensure that only valid documents are presented on the platform, but hopefully future revisions will allow for real-time verification.

2. Clustering

Most stakeholders, including countries, cities and companies, have different strengths. By using this page it is possible to see what other countries, experts, etc. that could be potential partners in clusters that support each other based on complementing strengths in different areas. E.g. one might be leading in emerging technologies, an other in business model innovation and a third focus on tools that promote transformative change and disruptions. 

3. Benchmarking

By comparing with others it is possible to be inspired in different ways. The benchmarking can be done in multiple ways. There might be a specific areas, such a core human need, or the role of start-ups, where different best and next practice are of interest.  But it can also be used to identify what areas that are often addressed together and use an assessment that compare how different strategic documents have covered the relation between for example solution providers and emerging technologies.

4. Capacity building

As this is a user-driven platform it also provides an opportunity to engage in a discussion about the next steps for climate innovation. What categories are important to track, how should we keep track of them, what functionality should a platform like this have, are all questions that this platform encourages. In addition it provides an aggregated table of content to many of the leading reports in the field, and if anyone think that a document is missing it is just to submit it and it will be uploaded to the platform.

An expanded climate innovation agenda

This web-platform was created in a response to an expanded climate innovation agenda. The failure over the last decades to deliver the changes needed for a sustainable development path and the increased understanding of the new opportunities that exists as well as rapidly emerging, have resulted in calls for an expanded climate innovation agenda.

Instead of only focusing on how current stakeholders, countries, cities, companies, financial organisations, etc. can reduce their own emissions and focus on current sectors, this initiative moves beyond such a “static problem approach” and adds a “dynamic solution  approach”. This expanded climate innovation agenda expands the focus in two dimensions: 

1. From only problems to also solutions
From only focus on stakeholders as “sources of emissions” where the best they can do is reduce emissions to zero, an expanded climate innovation agenda also focus on stakeholders solution providers. 

2. From only current sectors to also human needs
Instead of only focus strategies, reporting, data, initiatives, etc. on current sectors and structures, where the existing system is taken for granted, and expanded climate innovation focus on how human needs can be met in a sustainable way. With a human need perspective new clusters becomes important, and instead of only technical solutions, enablers that shape the way we think, facilitate match making and allow stakeholders to rethink their roles, etc,  becomes important (from media companies and the cultural sector, to digital consultants, PR firms, law firms and conference organisers).  

The objective with this web tool is to explore how an expanded climate innovation agenda can inspire ambitious climate and innovation strategies. Only documents with inspiring content are shown on the platform, as the purpose is to provide information and inspiration for a race to the top, rather than present a ranking of countries and stakeholders.

This web-tool is an outcome from the partnership between UNFCCC and RISE/Mission Innovation in collaboration with ICLEI where the Global Innovation Hub and Mission Innovations Net-Zero Innovations Initiative are a core parts. The purpose of the web-tool is to explore ways to accelerate the uptake of 1.5 °C globally sustainable solutions that enable a future where 11 billion can live flourishing lives.

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The assessment tool is user driven and allow users to use different filter and sorting options, as well as suggest additional words, categories and functionality. The purpose is not to rank or rate any documents or stakeholders, but to provide an opportunity to explore best and next practice from an expanded innovation perspectives in strategic documents. When the AI part is ready it will also be able to compare the climate strategies with other sources, and also use sentiment assessments and other tools.