1. Core Human Needs


Next practise
Social development/Personal growth

Best practise

Work in the area
Social development/Personal growth
Exploration / Utforskande
Life extension / Livsförlängning
Quality of life / Livskvalitet
Self-actualization / Självförverkligande
Self-transcendence / Självöverskridande
Sufficiency / Tillräcklighet
2. Enabling Solutions to Human Needs


Next practise

Best practise

Work in the area
Physical mobility/access
Virtual mobility/access
3D printing / 3D-skrivare
Remote access / Fjärråtkomst
Tele-activity / Tele-lösningar
Tele-meetings / Telemöten
Virtual meetings / Virtuella möten
Physical mobility/access
15-Minute City / 15-minutersstaden
15’ cities / 1-minutsstaden
City planning / Stadsplanering
Mobility as a service / Mobilitet som service
Public transport / Kollektivtrafik
Vehicle to Home / Laddstolpe
Walkability / Promenadvänligt
Dematerialization / Dematerialisering
Digital privacy / Digital integritet
Digital rights / Digitala rättigheter
Digital twin / Digital tvilling
Digitalisation / Digitalisering
Financing 1.5C / 1.5C finansiering
Responsible marketing / Ansvarsfull marknadsföring
Transformative data / Transformativ data
3. The Need for Flourishing Lives


Next practise
Social development/Personal growth

Best practise
Social development/Personal growth

Work in the area
Social development/Personal growth
Social development/Personal growth
Exploration / Utforskande
Life extension / Livsförlängning
Quality of life / Livskvalitet
Self-actualization / Självförverkligande
Self-transcendence / Självöverskridande
Sufficiency / Tillräcklighet
4. Global Human-Needs Perspective (11bn)


Next practise

Best practise

Work in the area
Global perspective
1.5 C compatible / 1.5 C kompatibel
10 billion / 10 miljarder
11 billion / 11 miljarder
Ecological civilization / Ekologisk civilisation
Equality for all / Rättvisa för alla
Global Sustainability / Global hållbarhet
Global population / Global befolkning
Global public goods / Globala kollektiva nyttigheter
Innovation eco-system / Innovationsekosystem
Low-energy-demand / Lågenergilösningar
Poverty eradication / Fattigdomsbekämpning
SDG / Globala hållbarhetsmålen